CheckPayment Payment Form - Check Receipts Welcome to Arkansas Boys State! This form is for recording payments received via check. To complete this form, you'll need the following information: Name of the organization who is submitting payment Name of the school the delegates belong to Check details (Amount, check number, etc.) Student(s) name Delegate ID Number - these will ALWAYS be a seven-digit number. If you're not sure for some of that information, feel free to put a placeholder (ex. "Unsure" in a text box, "1" in a box that requires a number, or "1111111" in a box that requires a delegate ID number), and we will investigate. Thank you!!! If you are human, leave this field blank. Next Δ Phone (501) 725-1258 Email Social FollowFollowFollowFollow Stay Connected to Arkansas boys State Thanks for staying connected with Arkansas Boys State! Email Subscribe